An introduction to the Robot-Proof Recruiter, written by Katrina Collier

There’s no doubt that the world of recruitment is constantly evolving and changing. Keeping up, let alone ahead of these changes is a huge challenge, which can feel overwhelming from time-to-time. But this is a moment to pause pick up a copy of the Robot-Proof Recruiter, by author Katrina Collier – and read through what is, in my opinion the best and most practical guide to recruiting today.

Katrina has done an incredible job of distilling the recruitment process from a human perspective: recognising what are the fundamentals of human interaction, and providing great insight, as well as proof of the best steps you can take to set yourself up for success.

This is a great book for seasoned recruiters, as well as rookies at the start of their recruitment career. And it is also massively helpful for those who work in the industry supporting the recruitment process, because it provides insight and enables you to empathise with both the recruiters and the people (not applicants, candidates, passive talent or purple squirrels!) who recruiters are ultimately looking to connect, engage and develop relationships with.

Katrina quite rightly positions recruitment technology as an enabler. Technical solutions that automate the recruitment process should only ever enable greater efficiency and effectiveness. LogicMelon’s focus is to create great and intuitive technology to enable the recruiter to deliver an amazing experience to everyone they work with.

You may know LogicMelon as a multi-posting platform, but we do so much more for recruiters and talent acquisition professionals.

If you’re new to LogicMelon, book a demo today here, and if you sign up in September, we will send you an exclusive FREE copy of the Robot-Proof Recruiter.

If you’d simply love to get your hands on a copy of Katrina Collier’s first publication ASAP, then check out The Searchologist. We’re extremely privileged


Award-winning recruitment software that will find, attract, hire and analyse the way you want to work. 
At LogicMelon, we have experienced software recruitment marketing specialists to help you build effective recruitment solutions supported by the best customer service you’ll find anywhere!

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